30 Minute Film Festival 2018

Watch the Winning Movie of 2018's Festival: The Lost Freshman

The Lost Freshman is a short film directed by Simran Motiani, starring Elza Legran as the lost freshman and Diya Gupta as an upperclassman. It was shot and edited in one hour at the New York University Abu Dhabi campus. The aim of the movie is to give more confidence to confused and lost freshman who are afraid of asking others for directions when they can't find their classroom. It also tells upperclassmen to help freshman navigate the campus during their first few weeks of the semester.
This film bagged the first position because of it's positive message for the society. The judges were also very impressed by how it addressed two issues- scared freshman and uninterested upperclassmen- in a very short time span.

Here is the team behind the winning film:

Elza Legran

Elza is a Sophomore at NYU Abu Dhabi studying SRPP and Film.

Diya Gupta

Diya is a Junior at NYU Abu Dhabi studying Interactive Media and Economics.

Simran Motiani

Simran is a Junior at NYU Abu Dhabi studying Psychology.